2024 Small Groups
Wednesday Evenings 6:00-6:45 PM
Track 1
Very Important Chapters of the Bible
Each Wednesday will be spent studying a different chapter within Scripture that is key to understanding the whole of God’s Word for us.
Track 2
The Fruit of the Spirit (Fall Semester)
This Bible study looks at the godly characteristics that are naturally a part of Christian life. As a tree cannot help but bear fruit, so Christians, planted by God in Christ will also bear fruit in all areas of their lives.
Bible Symbols (Spring Semester)
Symbols used throughout the Bible have the potential to be misunderstood and misinterpreted. This Bible study establishes good principles for interpreting those symbols.
The ComPASSION of Christ: the Big Picture by Paul Maier (6 weeks)
Mondays, Feb 24, Mar 3, 10, 24, 31, Apr 7
Dr. Paul Maier, a professor of Ancient History, discusses the events and people involved in the Passion events of Christ.
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer (5 weeks)
Mondays, Apr 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19
“…before a man can seek God, God must first have sought the man.” -A.W. Tozer. Participants will deepen their relationship with God by whom they have already been found.
Start Group
This group (ages 22-35) is for those just starting out in life and looking for a way to connect to God and like-minded Christians. We meet Sundays at 1:30 pm. We are working through the Book of John.
Men’s Bible Study (Sept - May)
Our monthly Men’s Bible Study meets the second Saturday of every month at 7:30am. All men are welcome and invited to attend. . Our study beginning Sept 14 is on the Four Gospels.
Prayer Small Groups
Meet for prayer weekly with your Christian brothers and sisters through Zoom. If you prefer not to pray out loud, you can still participate. Please include your availability (in the comment box below) and you will be notified by Pastor Malinak of the day and time of your weekly prayer group. Each session of prayer will last 15-30 minutes.
Life Experienced - March 8th
On Saturday, March 8th, Life Experienced will attend the Flower Mound Symphonic Orchestra performance of Symphonic Sounds of Nature. The concert will be held at Trietsch United Methodist Church at 6101 Morriss Road in Flower Mound at 7:00 pm and is free to the public. Our very own Charles Swartzell will be playing second Oboe for the majority of the program. Please plan to join us for a relaxing evening of great music. Don’t forget to sign up below, so we’ll know to expect you and we’ll try to sit together as a group. The congregation is welcome to join us.
Young Adult Discipleship
A group of young adults (age 16-22) meet Tuesday mornings from 7-7:45 am at the Starbucks in Westlake. We will dive deep in the Bible, what we believe and why.
Golf Fellowship
We meet Tuesday mornings at Bear Creek Golf Club. Hope you can join us. Everyone is welcome!